Thursday, July 18, 2019


Lots of fun "creekin" with our cousins over at Miami Whitewater :)

 Trying to decide how the wanted to stand haha.
 This is what they came up with :)

 Caleb hanging out with his Uncle Timmy :)

 The littles in the creek
Playing with rocks forever

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

4th of July

Happy 4th of July from our family to you! We had a great time playing with our cousins and watching the fireworks! We even got to wear some pretty cool temporary tattoos.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summer Time!

Summer has FINALLY made it's way to Ohio!  It is hot :)

 So we've spent lots of time playing in the water.

 I will miss the days when a bucket of water will no longer bring them this much joy!
 We got to spend the afternoon swimming with Papaw.

 Slide time for Caleb.
 We had to have a USA cookie/cake to watch the Women's World Cup Final!!
 They were so excited to cheer on the US!

Reading I-Spy with Daddy :)