Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hoppy Easter

Lucas was really into Easter this year!  He was excited to see the "Big Rabbit".  We just went to our local candy store, Esher Price, which I love because it originated in Dayton to see the Easter Bunny and get some last minute basket treats!

 On Saturday, Ben's old boy scout leader invited us to his house for an Easter Egg hunt! It was perfect.  There were a small group of kids (neighbors and relatives) and tons of eggs that everyone brought.  Cousins, Sarah, Josh and Samantha were there.  Lucas had a blast and really go in to finding the eggs.

On Sunday we were super busy as usual.  Mass at St. Max at 8AM, then straight up to Dayton to my parent's house.  My grandparents, aunt, cousin and brother came over for a yummy brunch.  The Easter Bunny stopped at their house too for Lucas.  Then we came home for a short nap and headed down to Ben's parent's house for dinner.  Ben's grandparents on the Hale side and his Aunt Deb came up from Louisville for dinner.  It is always a treat to see them.  Lucas is starting to remember his "Gram and Gramps!" and get's excited when we tell him he will see them.

Hope everyone had a great Easter and was able to celebrate with some loved ones :) 

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