Sunday, July 17, 2016

9 months

Happy 9 months to this little (or not-so-little) guy! He has 3 teeth, loves all of the food we have given him, is such a happy guy (except at night time since he won't sleep through the night still), and is WALKING! About a week before he turned 9 months he started walking.  He is moving all of the place.  This weekend Ben and I are trying to "sleep train" this little guy to stop nursing overnight in hopes to get his sleeping better.  Hopefully this works :)

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this smile :)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Out on the town

Last week Ben and I were lucky to get a couple hours to ourselves thanks for his parents!  We aren't very good about making date night a habit, but we did have a lot of fun this time :)

MadTree Brewery for a beer. 
A Tavola for pizza in OTR.
Eden Park
<3 him.  

Of course by the time we got back Adam was going a little crazy :(  Looks like we might be doing "day dates" in the future for the sake of our babysitters!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Sweet Summertime

We sure have had a lot of fun this summer already.  It's hard to believe it's July already though.  The weather has been kinda strange this summer, but we sure have made the best of the sunny days!

Splash park with Lucas' friend Everett
Busted out the sprinkler at home.
Daddy wanted to join in!
Adam sized swimming pool :)
Just two brothers chilling out in their jammies.
Oh that face!
I was in the kitchen for a minute and came back into the living room (which I thought was a safe place to leave this crazy guy for a couple minutes) and this is what I came into.  He is such a climber. Better think about a new kind of gate.
Wheelbarrow rides with Daddy!
He was supposed to be sleeping, but clearly wasn't feeling it.  He is lucky he is so sweet!! On a side note, he is taking steps now!! AAHHH! I can't believe it.  8.5 months old and he is really doing it!! It's crazy to us.  Lucas was just starting to crawl at this point and didn't walk until 13 months.  Slow down little man!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4th of July

Happy Birthday USA!! Like we do every year, we went over to Ben's Aunt Roseanna and Uncle Robert's house for the 3rd of July.  It was crazy weather this year, a little rainy and quite chilly.  But we had a great time like we always do.  Lots of good food and good time with family :) 

My 2 little firecrackers!
book time
Watching fireworks with Grandpa.

Adam actually kinda liked them!  He was only outside for a couple minutes though because of the noise.
Fireworks with Mommy!

Sparkler time!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Camping Adventures

A couple weeks ago we went camping with the Hale family.  Unfortunately, due to sickness and travel plans and work not everyone got to go.  But we had a lot of fun with grandma and Auntie K.  We went to Cave Run Lake in Kentucky.

washing dishes with Grandma! 

first hike of the trip.  Adam got a good nap :)

 Beach time.  Adam liked the water because it was so warm.  Next year when he can stand/sit on his own and hopefully NOT eat everything will be so much better!

 Lucas was such a little fish.  He LOVED swimming and playing on the beach.

 Daddy and his boys at the top of the hike.
 My whole life :) :)
Group shot!
Hiking buddies!

 Fun at the camp site.  Who knew buckets of water and rocks could be so fun :)
 Hammock time.

Let's get fired up!