Sunday, May 29, 2016

Fun with Cake

I've been into cake making recently, so I thought I would share some of the fun.  I'm still not super great at it, but it has given me something to do and some great ideas to add to my Christmas list!

Strawberries and Cream Cake
I made a cat shaped cake for my best friend Emily's 31st birthday!
Chocolate with cream cheese filling cake for mom's birthday! 

Making all of the cakes has been fun and super yummy, but really not in the best interest of my weight loss.  I might need to look into a healthier hobby ;)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Summer is finally here

Well May in Ohio has been nothing short of WEIRD! It started off super nice then we got some crazy cold weather with some frost, but I think we are FINALLY in the clear.  Bring on the sunshine :)

Lucas insisted on wearing his construction glasses outside.  And here is a rare moment that Adam has left his hat on!
Big Brother loves taking care of his Adam. <3
Wagon Time.

Sunshine + Starbucks + my boys = perfect afternoon at the park! 

This boy loves swinging in the big boy swing!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

7 Months Already

Another month has quickly passed us by.  Our little man is for sure not so little anymore.  It seems like he sped through all of the baby stuff (well of course not the sleeping part).  But here he is in all of his glory.  Our little 19lb, 26.5 inch guy.  He is crawling, pulling himself up, and talking lots! He LOVES to go after the cat, Lucas' puzzles, cell phones and glasses.  He still isn't a big laugh-er, but he smiles all the time with the cutest one tooth-ed smile :)

Look Mommy - I'm such a big boy.  Time to lower the crib!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Truck Time

Uncle Philip just bought a semi truck for his job.  He was nice enough to bring it to the house for Lucas to see :)  He was in little toddler, truck loving heaven!

Thanks God-Father for a fun afternoon :)